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CloudTemplar's thought on LCK final

T1 vs GenG:
Well T1 got v9(9 LCK titles). This kind of sound ridiclous when we talk about it. It is hard to win even once but nine times? It is a great feat for Faker as he was the only one standing after all the changes. AS for Gen G it was a bit sad to see their performance ends on such on a sour note. Before we start the analysis I think it is natural to be very critical of GenG but they did pretty well too. I think there is a mentality in Korea culture and sport in general where only the winner get recognized. GenG did really well in the season and was able to grab first place in the season. I don't think it is right to overly criticize them since second place is still very impressive and that their opponent was T1.  
After the series, I was thinking about how to summarize this series to the general public. After the game was over the people who were involved(analysis and casters)talked a bit about the game and we had generally the same consensus. I think there is 3 main reasons T1 won.

1. Varus

  There were many OP/tier 1 champions in the history of league. But it is very hard for the OP champion to stay tier 1 as people find counters to the champion. The most recent example is perhaps Ornn who was kind of OP. And varus is the new OP.  
We have seen the power of varus ever since KT vs Damwon and the power of the pick is shown in the T1 series. Is there a counter for varus? What can you gain from giving varus in pick/ban? Did the GenG won many scrims against it or do they genuinely think it is not a good pick? Or does the pick not work for them in scrims? Does they know how to play it? There are many questions that people ask but the answer to all these is pretty simple: scrim result.


Sometime in pick/ban people would ask why did the team pick/ban like that? The answer is scrim. Especially in LCK there is a culture where they see scrim's result the most important data. Team by teams varies but from what I heard teams in LCK they see scrims much more seriously. The biggest use of scrim is research. "Is this pick good? Is this comp good" if it doesn't pass in scrim it will not be used. This is partly why LCK are slow to adapt and why there is very few surprise pick in LCK. From what I heard, teams oversea would sometime bring out picks they never played before. But in LCK every single pick, every single comp has been tested in scrims before coming up on stage.  
One consequence of this scrim culture is that it is hard to find scrim partners near the end. Most team that didn't make it to playoff would take a break so there are less teams to scrim against. There were many cases where teams would panic because they couldn't find a scrim partner before the finals.

Back to Varus

So maybe the GenG's scrim result shows that vaurs isn't that OP however most of the people I talked with all agree that varus is OP. So I think that is a mistake from GenG.   Let's talk about why varus is OP. So there are two builds: Meteor(lethality varus) and Lethal Temp(On hit varus). Meteor has a strong laning phase and strong late-game. Now some people would be wondering why I think Meteor has a strong late-game. Yes, there are games where varus couldn't get a lead and fall behind at late game but he has burst. There are many viable burst champions in this meta like Zoe, Corki,and Jayce where if they are paired with varus they can instantly delete enemy carries or even tank together.
When you pick varus in pick/ban you don't only pick one(varus) burst champion but multiple burst champions. This creates a situation where the enemy has to dodge all the skill shots or they will die instantly. This over many games and many skill shots could make the players very tired. And the tanks champions that could fight against are not as strong as before and it is hard to pick them in a pick/ban phase  
There is another strong advantage burst champions have: they have strong laning phase. So they also give lane priority to the junglers. Varus itself is a good pick but paired with other burst champions (that are strong on its own) being able to burst down carries and even tanks, having lane priority, and at the same time give enemy players tremendous stress. Not all burst champion win lanes but even Corki who doesn't win lane could go 50 50 and do pretty well.
  What is kind of interesting is that GenG had opportunities to pick varus but didn't. I think in Game 3 GenG is basically saying they can't play varus in their bans. There is a reason why team has time to prepare for playoff after the season. A lot of time picks in the regular season doesn't show up in playoff so it is a time for them to try new stuff, practice old picks, and fix their weakness.No, I don't think Ruler hate playing varus. I think GenG made a mistake neglecting varus.  

Extra: Ornn

I have so many things to talk about Ornn. I feel a bit sad about the result because to be very honest I thought Rascal did very well. He did good in laning phase and it is not like the pick lost them the game. HOWEVER, if you want to pick Ornn you have to aware of trundle and Sylas. I have said this so many times. I am actually tired and frustrated by saying this again(he always said this in cast). If those two champions are picked Ornn has headaches the whole game. Ornn doesn't lose against Sylas in lane in fact there many times where Ornn actually win the laning phase. The problem is that is not like Ornn is going to completely wreck Sylas in lane. Sylas would eventually outscale him and is fine losing a few fight here and there. Arghghgh there are so many things I want to talk about pick/ban... let's just move on.

Before we move on

One pick that goes good against varus is Ezreal. Ezreal's laning is not that strong but once laning phase is over he could be stronger than varus. This is what Damwon likes to play. They pick Zoe, Jayce, Ez against it. Once they establish a poke synergy it is very hard for the opponent to deal with.

2. Jungle Contest(Sniping); Cuzz vs Clid

Let's talk about the jungler. It is going to be about pick/ban again lol. Before we start though the game can be divided into pick/ban and ingame(plays). Of course the plays in game are also important but I am just going to talk about things that gave player an advantage before they even move their character. Of course even though varus is OP but if he get hooked all game they would still lose.
  So for one game 1 T1 lost two bans and GenG chose red side. GenG choosing red side give me the feeling that they prepared something for this series. Normally teams want to pick blue side because there are pick like varus. It is way easier for blue side to grab those OP champion than red side. And it is actually harder than you think to counter pick on red side. So I thought GenG prepared something. GenG banned Cuzz jungle pool and then Cuzz picked Graves. Graves is NOT a surprise pick. He is actually picked in lanes too and DRX has banned him before. So Cuzz just pick Graves because he is one of the power pick left. Then the problem is they didn't pick varus and Ornn came out too quickly.  
T1 picked Corki and varus which formed the burst synergy with graves. I am not sure what GenG is planning in this pick/ban. When Yuumi came out I was like -.- . It seems like they are betting mid/jungle fight but Cuzz was able to track Clid very successfully. I just feel like the pick/ban are giving players way too much responsibility/stress to win the game. I remember when I was casting the game I kept talking about Azir's ult. "Yes, but Azir still have his ultimate, Azir can change the game with his ultimate, he has to ult." Why did I kept talking like a parrot? Because that's the only way they can win the game. It is just too hard for a player to do. But do you know what is funny? Game 1 was the closest game of the series.

Game 2

GenG have similar ban but this time they banned graves instead of olaf. But graves is basically AD Olaf. They have the similar role and priority. So the ban wasn't very impactful. I really doesn't what GenG want from this pick/ban. The only thing I got was "Ruler hardcarry us". They got better initiation than game 1 but-  

3. The General Direction of the Game-> Feels like a different team(GenG)

"What is good and What do we want" Is what we are trying to analyze in pick/ban. Poke(Shooting), Early game, Late game. But in game 2... Okay so, first of all, they again don't have lane priority. And just because you have Ornn, Ez, and Zilean doesn't mean your late game is better. Because there are champions like Corki. If he finishes his core item his damage is through the roof and his bomb passive allows his team to have objective control. Corki is so strong in this meta. Let's talk about how to counter Corki. 1. You pick a champion that out scale or scale equally as him. Yes, in a vacuum Zilean outscale Corki and he synergizes very well with hard carries.   But if you trade Varus for Ez...The reason why Damwon was able to win against Vaurs is because of Nugri. If Nugri didn't hard carry it would be very difficult for Damwon.   One thing I really don't like is analyzing the pick/ban from the result. "Because they lost the pick/ban is trash" I really hate those analyses. But just from a pick/ban metagame perspective, it was really... Clid again wasn't given jungle priority.

Back to GenG

So GenG had probably the most time out of all time. It is not probably they did have the most time to prepare. But they missed the priority of varus, they target banned Cuzz but it didn't really had an effect on the game... I think the biggest difference between T1 and GenG is GenG's journey was too easy. If you looked at their games they kind of won games very easily. Mid and Jungle BAM, Mid and Jungle BAM, ZOE, ZOE, ZOE, ZOE& REKSAI, ZOE&LEESIN.
  They won very easily through their mid and jungle. They kind of got lost when they trying to figure out a way to win without mid/jungle. If mid/jungle doesn't work I guess we have to go for Ruler. But that didn't work quite well. If mid/jungle doesn't work I guess we have to hope Rascal hard carry like Nurgri. I don't think that would work either.  
GenG's game plan is always to explode the enemy in the early stages of the game. But in their previous games with T1 it didn't work out. People made mistakes, T1 deflects it, and etc. It is almost like a trauma. It feels back they want to do half and half. Half explode game early and Half scale. In the end they wouldn't able to add variety to their game plan.  
T1, on the other hand, didn't go to the final easily. T1's first round was really tough but they had a clear goal on what they want to work on. I think GenG should've either go 100% explosion playstyle(like their previous style but even more aggressive like lpl) or go 0% and go scale. In-game 1 they should just go all-in instead picking scale. But if they wanted to do that they had to pick vaus. Varus is such a vital pick for early game comp that would allow bot to win if mid/jungle couldn't.

Extra: So why didn't Damwon pick varus?

One big difference between GenG and Damwon is that Damwon never played around bot. Damwon play around top side and they already assume bot will be losing so the varus pick didn't impact them that much. For them, it is far more important to pick champions like Jayce.


One thing I wanted to say in LoLPark after the series was to call out G2. "COME AND FIGHT US G2, IG YOU COME OUT TOO, YOU ARE LUCKY MSI GOT CANCELLED YOU PUNK, OUR T1 ARE GOING TO umm XDDD" But to be honest I am not sure if T1 would win if they play right now. I think it would be closer than the one before(Last Worlds)... Actually never mind I have lost confidence in our teams now...I didn't say it because it is a bit too aggressive and people might take it in the wrong way(just some banter).
   edit1: some minor spelling/grammar fix

TLDR: Varus OP.

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[OC] VCS Worlds Preview, Part 2: Levi and the boys are back – meet Vietnam’s #1 seed GAM Esports, formerly known as the Gigabyte Marines!

Having taken a deeper look at Vietnam's second seed Lowkey Esports yesterday, we will now focus on no one else but GAM Esports!
As this preview is admittedly of indigestible length, it is divided into several independent segments - you can read them all if you want, or just focus on what interests you.

The history: Paranoia five minutes into the game

After being founded in 2014 under the name of Tt Miracle Boba (later Boba Marines), the team would rise to international fame after a young promising jungler joined the line-up: The arrival of Levi marked a new beginning, and combined with veterans Optimus and Archie, reliable ADC Slay as well as explosive toplaner Stark, this line-up steamrolled through VCS and GPL under the name of Gigabyte Marines, qualifying for MSI where they were winning over the hearts of fans from all over the world due to their explosive and dynamic playstyle revolving around fast-pushing skirmish compositions with Kha’zix and Ziggs.
After losing Stark and replacing Slay with star ADC Noway, Gigabyte Marines once again dominated VCS and GPL and were rewarded with a spot in the Group Stage of the World Championship 2017 where they were placed alongside Longzhu, Immortals and Fnatic. Right in their first game against FNC, the Marines showcased a unique composition in one of the most fondly remembered games in recent history, featuring a surprise laneswap, a Lulu with Heal/Ignite and of course Levi’s semi-funnelled Nocturne. GAM continued to rely on supreme cheese which included Mordekaiser bot, Kayn jungle and Urgot top (off-meta back then) as well as Rengar with Zilean support, finishing with a 2-4 record and competing for a spot in the quarterfinals but ultimately losing a tightly contested tie-breaker match against Fnatic.
Following this heartbreak result, the core of the team broke up after Optimus left due to internal differences and Levi was snatched by 100Thieves. Revamping their line-up with fresh blood including an exhilarating top laner with the name of Zeros, the Marines would actually come close to winning VCS in 2018 Spring but then failed to qualify for playoffs in the next two splits following Zeros’s departure to Phong Vũ Buffalo, now competing under the name of GAM Esports once GIGABYTE (a hardware manufacturer) terminated their sponsorship. With Noway and Archie also leaving the team after 2018, GAM faced an identity crisis and were in danger of drifting into irrelevancy.
However, the return of the two prodigal sons changed everything: With Levi and Zeros returning to their old home mid-season, GAM Esports managed to win VCS Summer 2019 with ease and now strives to reach even higher highs than before.

The line-up: Levi is still royalty

TOP – Zeros (Highlight Play)

  • 3.3 KDA (2nd), +31.2 CSD@15 (1st), +766 XPD@15 (2nd), +1137 GD@15 (1st), 468 DPM (2nd), 22.7 %Dmg (7th), 23.4 %Gold (T-1st)
  • Priority champions: Renekton, Kennen, Akali, Fiora, Irelia
Career Recap: Zeros actually started his career with the Gigabyte Marines in Spring 2018 at the age of 17 but was then loaned out to Phong Vũ Buffalo (the contractual circumstances remain suspect and opaque to this day). In Levi’s absence, he became the best player in the league whereas international success continued to elude him. After a very disappointing performance at MSI 2019, he decided to return to GAM. As he had seemingly signed an illegal contract with PVB, GAM was able to have this agreement voided, but Zeros was banned for the first three weeks of VCS as a result.
Player Profile: After returning to the line-up, Zeros needed some weeks to warm up, but finished the split strong and delivered a devastating performance in VCS Finals, looking better than ever. He is the epitome of a carry top: While his CSD@15 numbers are boosted by the shallow Vietnamese talent pool in his position, Zeros is indeed a supreme laner who is able to create gigantic leads by himself. Highly aggressive at every stage of the game and gifted with astounding mechanical talent, Zeros is a natural playmaker, excelling in teamfights as well as in a splitpushing role while also being a willing roamer.
When put onto his signature bruisers, his high-octane gameplay can shape an entire team identity, having transformed both PVB and GAM into a hyperdynamic juggernaut with extraordinary map fluidity. However, he is also a double-edged sword: Zeros only knows one gear, and while he has worked on his flaws this split, he can still lack restraint and give up unnecessary deaths in a sidelane. Once again finishing the split with the lowest KDA of his team, he has to prove this tournament that he can translate his world-class talent onto the global stage: No matter the outcome, his map-warping playstyle will either win or lose GAM the game.

JNG – Levi (Highlight Play)

  • 5.7 KDA (1st), +15.6 CSD@15 (1st), +893 XPD@15 (1st), +823 GD@15 (1st), 426 DPM (1st), 21.0 %Dmg (1st), 2.05 VSPM (1st), 19.4 %Gold (1st)
  • Priority champions: Gragas, Lee Sin, Qiyana, Sylas, Nidalee
Career Recap: While he claims to have never watched a single episode of Attack on Titans, his career could actually be the storyline of an anime. Debuting as an unimpressive midlaner for Team SkyRed, he found success after roleswapping into the jungle. Right after joining the Marines in 2017, he established himself as the most acclaimed player of his region and gained international fame due to his hard-carry performances at MSI and Worlds 2017. After a wasted year for 100A in which he fell way short of his previous level and one split on the bench of JD Gaming, Levi decided to return to his roots in order to reinvigorate his career.
Player Profile: His first weeks back on home turf were unimpressive: Levi looked mechanically rusty and also showcased a more passive and farming-oriented style than before. Fortunately, he would soon disprove all doubts, once again heavily influencing the map at every stage of the game and exciting fans with his strong playmaking abilities. With his intelligent pathing and well-timed invades, Levi neutralized every jungler he faced while maintaining consistent gank pressure. Leaning more towards AP junglers this split with Gragas as his most played champion, Levi lead the league in all statistical categories and earned himself both the Regular Season and the Finals MVP. Still proficient as ever on Lee Sin or Elise, he also plays a mean Qiyana and finished out the season in style with a spectacular Baron steal (see Zeros’s highlight).

MID – Kiaya (Highlight Play)

  • 5.0 KDA (1st), +0.1 CSD@15 (5th), +143 XPD15 (3rd), +118 GD@15 (4th), 400 DPM (9th), 20.1 %Dmg (9th), 21.5 %Gold (8th)
  • Priority champions: Renekton, Kled, Aatrox, Irelia, Corki
Career Recap: After reaching Challenger on the Korean ladder at the age of 16 despite playing with high ping from Vietnam, Kiaya debuted for GAM Esports right after turning 17. Originally a toplaner, Kiaya is one of the biggest talents Vietnam has ever produced, but also still extremely raw. After two very inconsistent splits, he roleswapped to mid this Summer to make room for Zeros. Growing up in poverty, circumstances didn’t even allow him to finish first grade of elementary school – now going to Worlds for the first time, Kiaya will look to continue his own fairy tale.
Player Profile: Despite being a midlaner now, Kiaya still plays like a top, heavily favouring melee bruisers such as Renekton, Aatrox or Kled while nearly completely neglecting ranged mages. Apart from Corki, the core of his idiosyncratic champion pool consists solely of toplane champions. With new melee picks entering the meta in Pantheon and Ekko (which are likely to become essential flex picks for GAM), he is unlikely to expand his horizon but looks to deepen instead of widening his narrow style, having practiced Sylas and Yasuo in SoloQ. A solid laner, Kiaya has actually grown into a very consistent and stable player. Neither a playmaker nor a hard-carry yet, he is a rock that GAM can rely on and is consistently improving from week to week, with especially his sharpened roaming sense having the potential to turn into a great asset.

BOT – Zin (Highlight Play)

  • 7.0 KDA (1st), -10 CSD@15 (10th), -516 XPD@15 (11th), -222 GD@15 (8th), 409 DPM (9th), 19.2 %Dmg (11th), 20.9 %Gold (11th)
  • Priority champions: Vladimir, Heimerdinger, Garen, Ezreal, Sivir
Career Recap: The third player to have played for GAM before, Zin started his career in 2016 and had his most successful split in Spring 2017 when he tied first in MVP points. As every member of his team was bought by GAM afterwards, he spent the next split on the bench behind the superior Noway. Despite being a solid player, he then bounced around bad teams, ultimately losing in the Promotion Tournament for Summer 2019. Left without a VCS spot, it seemed like his career was going downhill, but when GAM needed an ADC to round out their star roster, they remembered their old marksman and acquired Zin mid-split – as the last piece of the puzzle, GAM went 19-1 with him in their line-up.
Player Profile: Boasting the biggest champion pool in the VCS according to his coach, Zin’s biggest strength is his flexibility. Playing with two resource hogs in Zeros and Levi, GAM needs a low-income botlaner who can function without any jungle attention – a description Zin fits perfectly as he has the lowest Gold Share amongst all Vietnamese ADCs by an astronomical margin. While he can play champions such as Caitlyn or Lucian when needed, he is mostly put on passive, self-sustaining champs such as Sivir, Ezreal, Garen and especially Vladimir, a personal pocket pick which has been his most played champion this split. Slowly transitioning into a mage player, he is also proficient on Heimerdinger and it should be expected to see him debut new picks at Worlds.
Zin is a safe and reliable teamfighter but not a hard-carry at all, and having been a middling laner for his entire career, he typically finds himself at a disadvantage in the early game. While he is mostly put into unfavourable matchups and gets practically abandoned by his team for the first twenty minutes, he has not managed to lose lanes as gracefully as the matchups requires. A perfect role player on VCS level, he may be the weak link that international teams will look to break first.

SUP – Slay (Highlight Play)

  • 5.2 KDA (1st), 1.96 VSPM (9th), 63.3 %KP (6th)
  • Priority champions: Yuumi, Lux, Morgana, Volibear
Career Recap: Part of the OG Gigabyte Marines but booted after MSI 2017 so GAM could make room for a more demanding carry in Noway, Slay is the fourth player who returned to GAM this split. Originally an ADC who also attended MSI one year later with EVOS Esports, he was an adaptable and intelligent botlaner who could play both marksmen and mages. Arguably the best Vietnamese Ezreal player ever, he lost his starting spot in Spring 2019 with Noway cruelly being his replacement once again. He then decided to roleswap and played well in his new position from the get-go, being the best-performing support this Summer. Fun Fact: Slay got his name from Google Translator.
Player Profile: Slay has played the vast majority of his games on Yuumi and Lux while also proving himself to be more than capable on Morgana. Apart from Volibear, he has not shown any melee engagers yet – this could become problematic against better opposition, although Slay is a quick learner and should be expected to have a bigger champion pool than he has shown so far. For now, still expect him to play enchanters first and foremost. Highly flexible, he is a passive laner (just as GAM’s playstyle requires) but has impressed with high skillshot accuracy and smart positioning in teamfights. Despite resorting to ranged supports almost exclusively, he is also actually a capable roamer who appears mid and sometimes even top to give his team an unexpected man advantage.

6TH – Yoshino (Highlight Play)

  • 5.1 KDA (1st), 17 CSD@15 (2nd), 771 XPD@15 (1st), 974 GD@15 (2nd), 543 DPM (1st), 28.0 %Dmg (1st), 23.4 %Gold (T-1st)
  • Priority champions: Irelia, Fiora, Camille, Qiyana, Jayce
Career Recap: A sub for GAM since the beginning of the year, Yoshino is a toplaner who has also began to play mid this split. After barely appearing in Spring Split, it was his time to shine when Zeros got banned for the first three weeks. To the surprise of everyone, Yoshino turned out to be an utterly dominant ace who guided GAM through a tumultuous period, arguably being the best player in the league during this short stretch. Relegated to his original substitute position after Zeros’s return, he was subsequently given time in the midlane to further develop but has not appeared once playoffs began.
Player Profile: Similar to Zeros and Kiaya, Yoshino prefers to play melee bruisers. A strong laner and equipped with an aggressive carry mentality, he has also shown to be more reliable and calculated than the fiery Zeros and will be ready to sub in when Zeros (who can be easily tiltable) needs a mental break. He might also be an option in the midlane for certain compositions, having shown high mastery on Qiyana, a champion Kiaya has never played yet. Seeing him at this tournament would be a surprise, but his time will come once Worlds is over, be it at GAM or somewhere else.

COACH – Tinikun & Yuna

The best and most influential coach Vietnam has ever produced, GAM’s weird strategies are the brainchild of Tinikun who has also moulded both SofM and Levi. However, don’t get too distracted by the cheese – while he did not have the player talent in the past to apply his knowledge, Tinikun is also very adept at traditional macro and one of the smartest minds in today’s game. Known for his outspoken and sometimes vitriolic persona on social media, he is Mr. GAM, but has given up his spot as the on-stage coach to his friend Yuna, a former caster Tinikun had been pursuing for a long time until finally convincing him to join the staff this split.

Player Spotlight: Slay

To shine more light onto Slay as a player, we have briefly talked with his former coach Jensen Goh who will also be part of the Expert Panel later.
Let’s look at his marksman career first. For Western fans, Slay is mostly remembered as the guy who played Ziggs. He also received criticism from the Vietnamese community for his international performances, yet he won VCS twice with two different teams. What made him valuable as an ADC player?
Jensen: Slay's wide champ pool and ability to play mages alongside having a good understanding of laning was what made him a good ADC. While he plays a mean Jhin and Varus, he was equally capable of playing Ezreal and Lucian to be on the weak side of the map while the team played for toplane, being clutch in later game moments, most notably the cross map ult into TP quadrakill on Ezreal that made The Penta. [see below]
At the same time, he was neither known as an oppressive laner nor as an exceptional late-game carry, being more of a role player than a focal point. Do you agree with that sentiment, and did this put a cap on his ceiling as an ADC player?
Jensen: To play the oppressive style of botlane requires you to have a great support to back you up, unfortunately support talent in Vietnam is a little lacking and when it came to lategame teamfights, he was not the most vocal in communicating what he needed and what was happening in the backline.
Why did he role-swap to support? I believe he talked to you about some of his motivations.
Jensen: All this led him to realize that he wanted to play support to be more vocal and play a more proactive part in shotcalling, he felt he had a good understanding of the game and knew that Vietnam was lacking in the support role greatly.
So far, Slay has mostly played ranged champions, namely Lux, Yuumi and Morgana. At the same time, he has yet to show the same proficiency on melee champions apart from Volibear, having mixed success with Galio and basically shying away from Alistar and Rakan. Are these exploitable champion pool issues, or does GAM’s style not need him as a primary engage anyway?
Jensen: Possibly, he plays multiple roles in Solo Queue and should be able to play Rakan if needed. Lux and Yuumi were flavour-of-the-month champs and Morgana was a decent pickup given that he has played that champ before. The way GAM has been playing as of late has seen resources committed towards the other side of the map and thus, we might even expect a Tahm Kench possibly moving on to Worlds.
How is Slay as a person? How was it to work with him as a coach?
Jensen: He was one of my favourite players to work with in Vietnam, he speaks English and was receptive to coaching and was open minded to try new things out. He is generally quiet and comes across as cheery.
Career Highlight Play: Ezreal with the cross-map ultimate into a teleport quadra kill!

The team: will they cheese?

32:43 Game Time, 0.92 CKPM, +1510 GD@15 (1st), 1.51 K:D ratio (1st), 58.1 FB% (2nd), 67.7 FT% (1st), 61.3 HER% (2nd), 55.4 DRA% (3rd), 56.0 NASH% (4th), 2026 DPM (1st)
GAM’s split. Winning their last 9 series and 15 games in a row, GAM is coming to Europe scorching hot with especially Zeros and Levi showcasing great form. Their split however started rocky, originally intending to field veteran ADC Minas who also happened to be the brother of Zeros. As he played decently but lacked synergy with the rest of his squad, GAM subsequently released him and tried out mid trainee Hieu3 in the botlane, having him play mages such as Karthus, Vel’koz and Neeko which complimented Kiaya’s AD champion pool well but left them vulnerable due to disastrous individual laning. (Hieu3 also subbed in for Slay later and will travel to Worlds as a 7th man and mid/bot/support sub but is not expected to see any game time.) After picking up Zin, GAM finally managed to stabilize and now look just as dominant within their region as they did in 2017, toying with opponents and finishing their last playoff match with 40 kills in 29 minutes.
GAM’s leadership. One crucial problem GAM had to face with their current roster was the lack of a decisive shotcaller: Despite being the face of the team, Levi can actually be very timid and was not the leader of the 2017 Gigabyte Marines, with Optimus being the captain and shotcaller while getting significant support from Archie. Already having two famously quiet players in Kiaya and Slay, 2019 GAM then also added Zeros, a cheery yet flamboyant wild card who had already displayed communication struggles with PVB and was known to be prone to attitude problems under stressful conditions. However, despite being internally banned for one series due to misbehaviour in SoloQ, Zeros developed not only on but also off the rift and received praise by his staff for improving his mentality. Most importantly, Levi accepted the burden as the leader of his young team: Not a natural alpha, he was lauded by Tinikun for growing into the captain role and will come into Worlds as GAM’s centrepiece in all aspects.
GAM’s style. So, is GAM a cheese team? The answer is yes and no. Despite being remembered for resorting to well-prepared camembert, the original Gigabyte Marines actually didn’t play a lot unconventional picks in VCS at all, instead dominating their far inferior opponents on meta champions such as Jarvan IV and Janna. Vocal about his team being heavily outmatched on an individual level, Tinikun rightly considered the 2017 iteration a flawed and exploitable line-up with many holes which were therefore covered up by breaking with convention.
2019 GAM is much more stable and will most likely not alter their style – however, their style itself is indeed unconventional in nature. The team identity is shaped by their three solo laners who can all play both top and mid (Zeros laned mid sometimes when the matchup required it) while showing significant preference for bruisers. Heavily revolving around their irresistible top-jungle duo, GAM is a solo lane-focussed team which completely sacks bot, starving Zin of any jungle attention to snowball the top side of the map. As Kiaya barely plays ranged champions, GAM is extremely reliant on hyperaggressive dives which they consistently pull off in clean manner. Steamrolling off the impeccable synergy between Levi and Zeros but also boasting solid macro understanding, GAM is just as proactive and dynamic as their previous iterations, often having Zeros in a sidelane to then collapse onto the enemy, looking to outfight and outskirmish them.
GAM’s weaknesses. Barring any surprises – never count them out – GAM’s approach to the game will be clear from the start. Their melee champion pool may be exploitable on the big stage and could see Kiaya struggle in lane when facing ranged mages. Typically entering the mid-game with a gargantuan lead due to their individual strength, their dive-heavy style is extremely reliant on execution and whether this works equally well against opposition which can match or even surpass them in skill has yet to be shown. Fielding many compositions which are very slow at taking neutral objectives, GAM’s style also basically lacks any siege potential, opening a window for the enemy to smother out their aggression if they can read their dives.
This has made the transition into the midgame a big problem for GAM who mightily struggled with this at the beginning of the split, often suffering from poor wave management when splitpushing and not always being thorough in their vision game, sometimes resulting in them getting picked off on the map alone. Whether they have resolved this issue is impossible to gauge as they simply became so good in the early game that the mid-game problems stopped mattering. Only knowing to create leads by bashing heads, GAM rarely sees a fight they don’t like which could leave them exposed against world-class teams. While they have been successful at finding champions for Zin where he can survive alone, this typically sees him exiting the laning phase with a big gold deficit. As this requires a winning top side to work, all eyes will be on Zeros: GAM will need him to play to his ceiling.
GAM’s chances. Benefitting from a flattering draw, GAM has realistic chances to make it to the knock-out stage if they can avoid DAMWON. While FPX will probably be too good of an opponent, GAM has already upset teams of similar strength before. They should be meeting J Team on even footing – look out for the toplane match between Zeros and JT’s Rest which may decide whether the LMS or the VCS will be crowned the 5th best region in the world.
GAM will travel to Europe very late on 07/10 to minimize the risk of illness, an issue which has plagued them for a long time with especially Kiaya known for being frail. Without a bootcamp, GAM may have problems to find efficient practice in Asia as Vietnamese teams normally don’t get scrims with LCK and LPL teams (although GAM could very well be an exception), reportedly actually scrimmaging JT a lot. As many of their young players are going to another continent for the first time, quickly adapting to climate, timezone and food will be paramount in order to perform to their level.

The Expert Panel

The experts

  • Jensen Goh (@thejupiterstorm) is currently part of Splyce’s coaching staff. In the past, he has been coaching EVOS Esports who represented Vietnam at MSI 2018. Apart from stints in the LMS and LDL, he has also been a GPL caster for several years.
  • Jonathan Yee (@amigrainelol) is an esports writer who has worked for platforms such as Esportsheaven. A true connoisseur of minor leagues, he is focusing on VCS and other emerging regions.
  • Noah Schaar (@yulweilol) has been part of the Unofficial English VCS cast, commentating every game this Summer.
How would you describe GAM’s playstyle to somebody who has never seen them play?
Jensen: Closest comparison would be the G2 roster from last year's Worlds where they would play heavily around mid into top and run weird champions in the botlane that trade having a traditional ADC for being self-reliant in playing 2v3 and defending botside.
Having Kiaya in the midlane has them play the lane in a pattern somewhat similar to that of toplane, which sees them actively try to dive on the crashing mid wave rather than use it to make a direct play on the top side of the map. This is something that has become rather unique to them in the usage of bruiser pairings in the mid lane, and we see Zeros's champion pool compensate for this in certain scenarios as well.
Don't let the cheese and shenanigans fool you. While both VN teams will test team's fundamentals in knowing how to respond to strange scenarios, GAM has a solid core to back themselves up and can go blow for blow in a longer game with a decent understanding of how to play sidelanes and use their priorities to control the map where necessary. Unlike the 2017 roster where all the cheese was a means to an end to cover their glaring deficits in player ability, this roster is solid and the unconventional approach towards the game is simply the colour of the team.
Jonathan: Shared champ pools between Top and Mid, high mechanical ceiling, Top and Mid-Jungle focus. Bot has wide champion pool including mages.
Noah: GAM is very comparable to Worlds 2018 G2, but slightly more focused on toplane than on midlane. Meanwhile GAM tries to secure a safe botlane matchup, often utilizing mages for their Zin like Vlad or even Heimerdinger.
Mid-game for GAM revolves around exploiting the solo-lane advantages to pressure one sidelane and looking for creative teamfights. With their unusual drafts, GAM relies on flanks and uncommon set-ups to succeed in 5v5 fights. They are very practiced in this style and incredibly proficient in finding those game winning flanks – even from behind.
A big weakness is their late-game objective execution and their tendency to get a little too loose and play around a little too much. We often see GAM games extend to 30 minutes because someone in the team wanted to go for another hero play and died.
What is GAM’s biggest strength? What is their biggest weakness?
Jensen: The Zeros-Levi combo is their biggest strength, and while Kiaya has been a solid performer in the VCS, playing his first split in mid at Worlds stage will be what I think is their biggest weakness as he goes up against an extremely stacked field of midlaners.
Jonathan: Extremely high mechanical skill relative to a “minor region” team, Levi alone can body fools but coupling with Zeros and Kiaya makes their dives extremely deadly. Weakness: They aren't quite as scary when playing slow than when playing at breakneck speed.
Noah: Top-Jungle coordination and dives. Weakness: Very predictable playstyle, easy to anticipate.
Why should a neutral viewer tune into GAM’s games?
Jensen: To laugh at the major region teams when they lose to GAM.
Jonathan: Stuff like this absurd dive.
Noah: Always lots of action, 0.55 kills per minute, unusual picks and a very explosive playstyle, very good team atmosphere (players always look happy on stage).
Who is the player to watch?
Jensen: Zeros & Levi.
Jonathan: Levi. If that’s not enough, Levi and Zeros.
Noah: Levi (and Zeros).
What is your 90%/50%/10% prediction for GAM?
Jensen: 90%: Heimerdinger. 50%: Zeros solo kills and gets solo killed in the same game. 10% GAM finishes 1st in Groups.
Jonathan: 90%: Levi steals an objective (Drake/Baron). 50%: Zeros ints a game, leading to Yoshino being subbed in. 10%: GAM gets a 10k gold lead on FPX and goes on to lose the game.
Noah: 90%: They win at least two games. 50%: They make it out of Groups. 10%: Semis.

Bonus: The Alternative Penta

05 – Levi outplays a krug on dwindling health
04 – Slay with the “accidental” misclick
03 – Slay lands the crisp engage
02 – Levi goes in
01 – Zeros spends his money well


VCS Worlds Preview – Part 3: In-depth Expert Panel
submitted by the_propaganda_panda to leagueoflegends [link] [comments]

A summary for every champion in League of Legends, except only using lines from the script of the Bee Movie. Formatting of the webpage ruins the search function. It's all there, I promise...
Aatrox: They're doing nothing. It's amazing.
Amumu: I don't understand. I thought we were friends.
Anivia: What's the matter? I don't know, I just got a chill.
Annie: Let's see what this baby'll do.
Ahri: I'm trying to lose a couple micrograms.
Akali: Mosquito girl don't want no mosquito.
Alistar: Milk, cream, cheese, it's all me. And I don't see a nickel!
Ashe: Stand back. These are winter boots.
Aurelion Sol: Star Wars?
Azir: Security will be tight.
Bard: You don't know what he's capable of feeling.
Blitzcrank: Careful, guys. It's a little grabby.
Brand: I could feel it getting hotter. At first I thought it was just me.
Braum: Everybody needs to stay behind the barricade.
Caitlyn: we do jobs like taking the crud out.
Cassiopeia: The venom! The venom is coursing through my veins!
Camille: Adam, stay with me. I can't feel my legs.
Cho'gath: Huge and crazy. They talk crazy.
Corki: Outside the hive, flying who knows where, doing who knows what.
Darius: This isn't a goodfella. This is a badfella!
Diana: I got a feeling we'll be working late tonight!
Draven: Italian Vogue.
Dr. Mundo: he could be on steroids!
Ekko: Maybe this time. This time. This time. This time! This time! This…
Elise: I know it's the hottest thing, with the eight legs and all. I'm not attracted to spiders.
Evelynn: Anger, jealousy, lust.
Ezreal: Mama's little boy.
Fiddlesticks: A little scary.
Fiora: What was it like to sting someone? I can't explain it. It was all… All adrenaline and then… and then ecstasy!
Fizz: It smells good. Not like a flower, but I like it.
Galio: I have been felled by a winged beast of destruction!
Gangplank: bogus health products
Garen: You, sir, have crossed the wrong sword!
Gnar: You can't treat them like equals! They're striped savages! Like a 27-million-year-old instinct.
Gragas: That's a fat guy in a flowered shirt.
Graves: Hold it, Your Honor! You want a smoking gun? Here is your smoking gun. Ninety puffs a minute, semi-automatic. Twice the nicotine, all the tar.
Hecarim: Coming in at you like a missile!
Heimerdinger: But I have another idea, and it's greater than my previous ideas combined.
Illaoi: This is your queen? That's a man in women's clothes!
Irelia: Order! Order, I say!
Ivern: I pick up some pollen here, sprinkle it over here. Maybe a dash over there, a pinch on that one. See that? It's a little bit of magic.
Jax: Jump on! It's your only chance!
Janna: We have a storm in the area.
Jarvan IV: You're busted, box boy!
Jayce: I see from your resume that you're devilishly handsome.
Jhin: Boy, quite a bit of pomp… under the circumstances.
Jinx: Sorry. I'm excited.
Kalista: Doesn't look very good, does it?
Karma: Why do girls put rings on their toes?
Karthus: Dead from the neck up. Dead from the neck down.
Kassadin: Always leans forward, pointy shoulders, squinty eyes, very Jewish.
Katarina: - A wiper! Triple blade!
Kayle: What angel of mercy will come forward to suck the poison from my heaving buttocks?
Kennen: We're headed into some lightning.
Kha'zix: Buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz! Buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz! Buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz!
Kindred: We're all aware of what they do in the woods.
Kled: You, sir, will be lunch for my iguana, Ignacio!
Kog'maw: How about a suicide pact?
LeBlanc: How do we know this isn't some sort of holographic motion-picture-capture, Hollywood wizardry?
Lee Sin: I guess I'll see you around. Or not.
Leona: There's the sun. Maybe that's a way out.
Lissandra: 30 degrees, roger.
Lucian: Is this what nature intended for us? Living out our lives as honey slaves to the white man?
Lulu: I'm just saying all life has value.
Lux: Get some lights on that!
Malphite: Oh, this is so hard!
Malzahar: No wonder we shouldn't talk to them. They're out of their mind.
Maokai: I'm not scared of him. It's an allergic thing.
Master Yi: stress-testing a new helmet technology.
Miss Fortune: Those crazy legs kept me up all night.
Mordekeiser: I've ruined the planet.
Morgana: She was hot.
Nami: I predicted global warming.
Nasus: Poodle.
Nautilus: Surf's up, dude!
Nidalee: Aim for the center!
Nocturne: When will this nightmare end?!
Nunu: You don't have enough food of your own?
Olaf: With a churning inner turmoil that's ready to blow.
Orianna: Robotics! Ventriloquism!
Pantheon: I know how hard it is to find the right job.
Poppy: Order in this court!
Quinn: Yeah, I remember you.
Rammus: OK.
Rek'sai: Yowser! Gross.
Renekton: got a brain the size of a pinhead.
Rengar: it was man's divine right to benefit from the bounty of nature God put before us.
Riven: It's a horrible, horrible disease.
Rumble: I want to do my part for the hive, but I can't do it the way they want.
Ryze: Mamma mia, that's a lot of pages.
Sejuani: My nerves are fried from riding on this emotional roller coaster!
Shaco: Cloning!
Shen: You're a lifesaver!
Shyvana: Its wings are too small to get its fat little body off the ground.
Singed: Is this what nature intended for us? To be forcibly addicted to smoke machines?
Sion: I'd be better off dead. Look at me.
Sivir: I feel so fast and free!
Skarner: It's a bug.
Sona: How should I start it? "You like jazz?" No, that's no good.
Soraka: I don't know if you know anything about fashion.
Swain: A perfect report card, all B's.
Syndra: So I hear you're quite a tennis player. I'm not much for the game myself.
Tahm Kench: My whole face could puff up.
Taliyah: This couldn't hurt a fly, let alone a bee!
Talon: Looking sharp.
Taric: Sometimes I just feel like a piece of meat!
Teemo: This is an unholy perversion of the balance of nature.
Thresh: Another dead one.
Tristana: Stand to the side, kid. It's got a bit of a kick.
Trundle: a filthy, smelly, bad-breath stink machine.
Tryndamere: write an angry letter and throw it out. Work through it like any emotion.
Twisted Fate: Feeling lucky, are you?
Twitch: Get your nose in there. Don't be afraid. Smell it.
Udyr: I think it was awfully nice of that bear to pitch in like that.
Urgot: What in the name of Mighty Hercules is this?
Varus: My sweater is Ralph Lauren, and I have no pants.
Vayne: If we didn't laugh, we'd cry with what we have to deal with.
Veigar: every small job, if it's done well, means a lot.
Vel'koz: Nah, I don't go for that… kind of stuff.
Vi: These faces, they never knew what hit them. Knocking someone out is also a special skill.
Viktor: They could be using laser beams!
Vladimir: I was already a blood-sucking parasite.
Volibear: Bear Week next week! They're scary, hairy and here live.
Warwick: Poodle.
Wukong: How much longer will we allow these absurd shenanigans to go on?
Xin Zhao: You grab that stick, and you just move it around, and you stir it around. You get yourself into a rhythm. It's a beautiful thing.
Xerath: So blue.
Yasuo: What life? You have no life!
Yorick: Deady. Deadified.
Zac: We're not made of Jell-O.
Zed: You know, I've just about had it with your little mind games.
Ziggs: crazy stuff. Blows your head off!
Zilean: We demand an end to the glorification of the bear
Zyra: My parents wanted me to be a lawyer or a doctor, but I wanted to be a florist.
Not a SINGLE bee-related champion or skin.
EDIT: Fizz, Kassadin, Jarvan IV, and Nidalee didn't make it in the first batch. lmk if others are missing. Fixed spelling.
submitted by Papaya_Dreaming to leagueoflegends [link] [comments]

Torn ACL/PCL/MCL/Quad/Patellar Tendon 3 Months Post-op (plus pictures!)

Warning: I wound up writing a novel here, but feel free to just look at the pics. The album contains some gross pictures, including what my knee looked like immediately after the injury as well as some pics of the inside of my knee during surgery. The surgery pics are actually so abstract that they're not that gross, but in case you don't have a strong stomach you've been warned.
The Injury
I'm a 28 year old male (27 when the injury occurred). My initial injury happened in September of 2017. I was running towards a ball flying over my head during a soccer game, and mistimed my control of the ball - rather than get my foot under it, I stepped on the ball as it was landing. My right leg was planted when I did this, and since I was sprinting full speed I slipped, causing my whole body to move except my leg. It immediately twisted and dislocated, and I'm told people heard the pop from 40-50 yards away. An ambulance was called, but the refs were afraid to move me so the game was called off while we waited. I didn't have the guts to look down at my leg (and moving even slightly was unimaginably painful so I didn't wanna try) but I knew I would be curious about what it looked like so I had my girlfriend take pictures (pics #1 and 2 in the album).
Initial Treatment
Everyone was fascinated with my knee in the emergency department. It was a university hospital, so all sorts of residents and students came by to look at it and ask questions. Most knee dislocations reduce themselves, but mine was stuck. An orthopedic surgeon with decades of experience would later take a picture of the X-ray they took while it was still dislocated because of how bad it looked. I had to wait a couple hours for the orthopedics resident on call to make his way to me and get approval from a full doctor to reduce my knee, and during this time the adrenaline wore off. I could feel my bones pushing into the skin (I came very close to having an open dislocation, which results in amputation about 50% of the time because infections are difficult to manage), and this was probably the worst pain I've felt in my life. Some of the doctors were talking about emergency surgery to reduce my knee, since it didn't look like it would respond to manual reduction. At this point, my hero arrived - the orthopedics resident came in, looked at my knee, and said we were popping it back into place right now. They shot me up with some dilaudid and four doctors did the deed: one resident grabbed my leg around the knee and held it up while the other three grabbed around my ankle and twisted. When I say twisted, I mean three adults pulling as hard as they could. Four incredible pops later, my knee was back in alignment and the pain was immediately resolved.
They kept me in the hospital for two days for observation because they were concerned my popliteal artery might have been damaged (see Zach Miller's recent knee dislocation for what happens, emergency surgery is needed to save the leg). The artery was fine, so eventually they released me. They took MRIs while I was in the hospital, and based on the MRI and X-ray reports it initially looked like the following were torn: ACL, PCL, MCL, LCL, lateral and medial menisci, patellar tendon, knee capsule, and quadriceps, with avulsion fractures in the tibia and femur. It later turned out there was so much blood in my knee that some of the structures (mainly my menisci and LCL) looked damaged in the MRI but were actually fine. My patellar tendon was only partially torn. Everything else was completely torn (MCL off the bone, ACL and PCL in the middle), including my quad having been basically sliced by my kneecap.
I saw my sports medicine surgeon about a week after the injury (picture #3 in the album, the bruising actually got much worse after this and about 3/4 of my leg was purple) and he did the manual tests - Lachman, drawer, valgus, and varus. My ACL and PCL were definitely torn, and in the valgus test my knee was giving way like it was made of rubber. The varus test looked surprisingly stable though. I was scheduled for surgery just a few days later, and they would basically figure out how much they could do in that surgery (and whether my LCL and menisci were still in good shape) after cutting me open.
Surgery 1
The first surgery was in the end of September. There was so much edema, blood, and swelling that they were only able to repair my MCL, reattaching the original ligament to the bone. My LCL and menisci were confirmed to be healthy though, and they stitched my knee capsule and quad back together. My doctor showed me a picture (unfortunately I don't have a copy) immediately after the procedure of what the inside of my knee looked like - he described it as looking like a grenade had gone off inside my knee, and that the giant hole was not something they had done, but what my knee already looked like when they went in to look. A femoral nerve block meant that I felt absolutely no pain post-op, and I stopped taking my prescribed painkillers at the same time the nerve block wore off. The surgery also immediately cleared up a four day calf cramp I had been experiencing, which my surgeon theorized was being caused by blood flowing from the knee down my leg.
A week after, I saw my surgeon again (pic #4). The swelling had decreased significantly and I was cleared to start PT, but I was non-weight bearing for the first 4-6 weeks post-op. Surgeon wanted me to get to 120 degrees of flexion before he would operate on the ACL and PCL to avoid permanent stiffness - he seemed to think I'd get that back in about a month or so. My physical therapist was awesome, but flexion came very slowly. I was walking without crutches around December, but it wound up taking until January 2018 for me to hit 115 degrees, which my surgeon deemed good enough.
Surgery 2
Surgery #2 was in February 2018. I had been having back of knee pain so they looked at my lateral meniscus again just to verify, but it turned out to be healthy - the pain was probably just a hamstring strain. I received single bundle allografts (hamstring tissue) for both my ACL and PCL, affixed using a button rather than screw (as I understand it, the screw is more beneficial when using patellar grafts that include some bone, but for hamstring grafts the button allows the grafts to be tighter). Autografts were not an option since my knee was so damaged that the doctor didn't feel comfortable harvesting anything else. The nerve block this time was botched so it was only partially effective, but even then pain post-op was minimal. The images labeled 001-009 are of the surgery itself: 001-003 are my medial and lateral meniscus looking good, 004-005 are the drill creating the tunnel in my bones for the grafts, 006-008 are the new ACL and PCL grafts, and 009 is of where my kneecap meets the rest of my knee. After the surgery, I was told that my knee injury was part of an annual presentation by the residents at the university - a dubious honor, but pretty cool.
I was allowed to partially weight bear immediately this time, but I had some weird lumpy swelling (see pic #5) that felt pretty uncomfortable when I would put weight on the leg. I was also put on a CPM machine immediately after the surgery, and hit around 85 degrees of flexion (120 on the CPM, but it does not reflect real flexion very well) within a week. After a PCL reconstruction, however, you're not allowed to bend your own knee for the first four weeks - when the hamstring activates during flexion and pulls back the tibia, it puts stress on the PCL graft which can cause it to loosen. I was on strictly PT-assisted or CPM flexion for the first month, and after that I was given a custom-fit PCL brace made by Ossur that applied a force at my tibia during flexion to counteract the stress on the graft.
The hamstring strain actually got a lot worse during this period, and started to hurt incredibly while doing heel slides. Between lots of hamstring stretching and slowly working on heel slides, however, it eventually faded. The swelling went down, flexion improved, and I was told to drop the crutches as soon as my PCL brace arrived.
Present Day
I had my three month followup earlier this week, and my doctor said all of the repaired/reconstructed ligaments felt incredibly stable. I was expecting to be on the PCL brace for 6 months, but got the all-clear to drop the brace immediately. I was so happy to be done with the brace (which was the 5th knee brace I had gotten for this injury) that I went out and tried riding a real bike for the first time - I was a little shaky, but eventually I got comfortable riding. Stationary bikes are nice, but I had been so excited to finally feel the wind on my face while riding.
I'm not sure that I'll ever actually want to play soccer again, but my goal for PT is to recover to the point that I could play if I felt like it. Not there yet, but I'm told in 6 weeks I might be able to start jogging. Slow progress, but any progress is awesome considering 6 months ago it felt like I would never be close to normal again. Thanks for reading, and feel free to ask any questions!
submitted by samizdat1 to ACL [link] [comments]

How did you start with Rengar and what are your thoughts towards some events happened between you and knifecat?

Let's take a step away from masteries and builds for a second (somehow whenever I see those posts I get immediate stress like not again or sth likt that). Let's share our moments with our dear beloved knife cat.
Ill start
I started playing Rengar since season 3, in VN server, idk when but i guess late ss3, where bushes are miles long compared to now and pre rework Rengar.At the time I also like others champs like Varus because I do well and Katarina cuz sexy tits. But I especially liked Draven because I want to deal the damage that my friend did, also Pantheon cuz noob friendly kit and Renekton cuz wreckage and havoc. At first my friend plays him a lot and we usualy go duo top Panth or Draven and Rengar and we just wrecks (lvl 19 fucks the meta). Then there is one time that Rengar was free so I decided to try him out in a bot match. I get what his abilities do cuz my friend talks about it a lot. First game went really well so I decided to go to a pvp match with him, this time I play Rengar instead and again, we wrecked their laners, but this time is on my Rengar. I felt like this champ is made for me because I do so well with him in the first day. So I decided to save my IP on him and keep playing him for the rest of the week. And that's how I got to Rengar.
I played him very casual at that time tho, doesnt know what oneshot is. Hydra, Mobi, BC, BT, BorK, GA and just jump in deals damage. Then I watched some oneshot vids on Youtube with Sword of the Divine. I decided to test them out and it was funny to watch cuz they just disappeared when I triple Q.
Then rework came and I honestly missed the purchasable BN cuz it was so good compared to now, also SOTD got removed at the time. My first game playing reworked Rengar was a 1v1 Rengar vs Lee Sin top lane and I see the significant increase in damage they made in trade of skill because ebola is no longer point and click. I rekt him. That was when I feel Rengar can somehow oneshot again without SOTD. Then I got inoduced to another item, Youmuus ghostblade. Before to me that was a bad item because it only gave 30 ad. I tried it out and holy fuck what was that damage I dealt to Nunu Bot. Only 30 AD (Cuz I didnt know how strong armor pen was). But then I have to say bye bye to my VN account because I was going to US to study. I forgot Rengar in the course of leveling up and get Bronze. Then I continue climbing to Silver with Panth and XinZhao cuz they were freelo to me. Then again, Rengar free week. I picked him up again in the jungle. Clearing was way harder than it was in ss4 so I thought it was impossible to play Rengar in the jg. Then I met this subreddit. Get reintroduced to Oneshot build and tips for better Rengar. I was Silver NA when I get back to VN. Apparently someone used my account and get Bronze 3 on it. So I hypercarried with Rengar from B3 to G4 in roughly one month time of playing (I had SAT courses and shit). And I came back to NA, went from S3 to G5. This is like an achievement for me because NA is way harder than VN server.
Thats pretty much my story, I know my English is garbage but what are your progresses with Rengar?
submitted by giabaold98 to Rengarmains [link] [comments]

It's been awhile....

I've commented a few times here and there, but it's been a year or so since I last posted.
The last few times I posted I was bitching because I needed to lose weight, and had just found out that the fibromyalgia symptoms I had been dealing with for years turned out to be Hashimotos. Ha. I wish.
The fibro symptoms were actually fibro. Hashimotos was caught super early (antibodies were barely registering), so there was no way it had been causing my pain, anxiety, and depression for over 5 years. I've now had tons of tests run to rule out RA, Lupus, etc.
Last year I started losing weight. And actually lost 13 pounds. Then, while still counting calories and eating 700 calories below maintenance, I suddenly started gaining. And gaining. And gaining. I have gained 40 pounds since Thanksgiving. WTF?! So I had more tests run. And learned that my testosterone was high and my estrogen was low. Ultrasound shows Polycystic Ovaries. FFS DOES IT EVER FUCKING STOP?!! Oh, and treating all of this shit? The ridiculous amount of medication is making my kidney function drop... Which is great for my Polycystic Kidney Disease.
Meanwhile, my pain levels are actually getting worse. The muscle spasms in my back no longer go away. Ever. The spasms in my neck have completely made it so I can't tilt my head to either side. I have constant tension headaches. (Thankfully, the constant migraines were taken care of by going to the dentist and fixing three severely cracked molars). My doctor suggested seeing a chiropractor... Which actually made things worse. It now hurts to sit for extended periods. I can't bend over to do the fucking laundry. I'm a SAHM to one kid who is in kindergarten... And I can't function enough to keep the fucking house clean.
So my doctor has now sent me to a Pain Management clinic. I'm too young for this shit. I'm only 30... But I'm fucking falling apart. I have FOUR unrelated lifelong diseases. And the pain management doc told me today that the trigger point injections I was going in for won't do anything for me... Because I most likely have degenerative disc disease which has caused a ruptured disc or pinched nerve in my neck. So instead of finally getting some relief today like I had hoped, I have to wait for the MRI results so the doctor can give me epidural injections instead. So... At least 3 more weeks.
Oh, and this one isn't a big deal, but I also learned that my mother's family is genetically predisposed to have a varus knee deformity, which causes bowleggedness and the pointing in of toes. Funny how no one ever mentioned this, seeing as I had surgery 3 years ago because I fell and exacerbated years of damage caused by my knee being improperly aligned, and was told I'd probably have to have another surgery in the next 10 years. My 52 year old mother just had her knee replaced and is scheduling the next one soon. Oh, and my daughter's legs have never fully straightened out, and her toes turn in so badly that she trips over her own feet while running. So we are seeing a pediatric orthopedist for that next week.
And on top of all of this, my daughter, who has major speech delays and is on an IEP was switched from year-round school to traditional calendar school. I fought like hell to get that fixed. And was denied. My final appeal is next week... Which, if by some miracle the transfer back to year-round calendar is approved (and it will take 2-3 weeks to get a ruling), means she will be a month behind all of her peers as year-round schools started back earlier this week. So, I met with her IEP team to figure out how to minimize the regression she will most likely have in her speech due to the long break.... And they told me to have her evaluated by psychoeducational services, because they have noticed issues with her memory. Academically, she grasps concepts faster than her classmates, but she can't remember names, routines, etc. She's also highly anxious, emotionally sensitive, hyperfocused, and sensory seeking.
And on top of all of it, my MIL fell last year and went to have her hip looked at because she was in a lot of pain a few days later. While she was at the doctor she asked them about an annoying cough she had had for a month or so... Non small cell lung cancer that had metastasized to her liver, lymph nodes, bones, and brain. She never smoked. We are watching her waste away. My husband turns into a shell of himself for a week every time we see her. My daughter seems so sad and confused every time her grandmother doesn't have the energy to play.
And my health problems are just adding to my husband's stress. He's so worried. And he's having to pick up so much of my slack. And I'm worried he's starting to resent me for it... Which is adding to my anxiety, which makes me tense up, which causes more pain. It's a vicious cycle.
I'm just fucking done right now.
submitted by amtingen to breakingmom [link] [comments]

A summary for every champion in League of Legends, except only using lines from the script of the Bee Movie.

Aatrox: They're doing nothing. It's amazing.
Amumu: I don't understand. I thought we were friends.
Anivia: What's the matter? I don't know, I just got a chill.
Annie: Let's see what this baby'll do.
Ahri: I'm trying to lose a couple micrograms.
Akali: Mosquito girl don't want no mosquito.
Alistar: Milk, cream, cheese, it's all me. And I don't see a nickel!
Ashe: Stand back. These are winter boots.
Aurelion Sol: Star Wars?
Azir: Security will be tight.
Bard: You don't know what he's capable of feeling.
Blitzcrank: Careful, guys. It's a little grabby.
Brand: I could feel it getting hotter. At first I thought it was just me.
Braum: Everybody needs to stay behind the barricade.
Caitlyn: we do jobs like taking the crud out.
Cassiopeia: The venom! The venom is coursing through my veins!
Camille: Adam, stay with me. I can't feel my legs.
Cho'gath: Huge and crazy. They talk crazy.
Corki: Outside the hive, flying who knows where, doing who knows what.
Darius: This isn't a goodfella. This is a badfella!
Diana: I got a feeling we'll be working late tonight!
Draven: Italian Vogue.
Dr. Mundo: he could be on steroids!
Ekko: Maybe this time. This time. This time. This time! This time! This…
Elise: I know it's the hottest thing, with the eight legs and all. I'm not attracted to spiders.
Evelynn: Anger, jealousy, lust.
Ezreal: Mama's little boy.
Fiddlesticks: A little scary.
Fiora: What was it like to sting someone? I can't explain it. It was all… All adrenaline and then… and then ecstasy!
Fizz: It smells good. Not like a flower, but I like it.
Galio: I have been felled by a winged beast of destruction!
Gangplank: bogus health products
Garen: You, sir, have crossed the wrong sword!
Gnar: You can't treat them like equals! They're striped savages! Like a 27-million-year-old instinct.
Gragas: That's a fat guy in a flowered shirt.
Graves: Hold it, Your Honor! You want a smoking gun? Here is your smoking gun. Ninety puffs a minute, semi-automatic. Twice the nicotine, all the tar.
Hecarim: Coming in at you like a missile!
Heimerdinger: But I have another idea, and it's greater than my previous ideas combined.
Illaoi: This is your queen? That's a man in women's clothes!
Irelia: Order! Order, I say!
Ivern: I pick up some pollen here, sprinkle it over here. Maybe a dash over there, a pinch on that one. See that? It's a little bit of magic.
Jax: Jump on! It's your only chance!
Janna: We have a storm in the area.
Jarvan IV: You're busted, box boy!
Jayce: I see from your resume that you're devilishly handsome.
Jhin: Boy, quite a bit of pomp… under the circumstances.
Jinx: Sorry. I'm excited.
Kalista: Doesn't look very good, does it?
Karma: Why do girls put rings on their toes?
Karthus: Dead from the neck up. Dead from the neck down.
Kassadin: Always leans forward, pointy shoulders, squinty eyes, very Jewish.
Katarina: - A wiper! Triple blade!
Kayle: What angel of mercy will come forward to suck the poison from my heaving buttocks?
Kennen: We're headed into some lightning.
Kha'zix: Buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz! Buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz! Buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz!
Kindred: We're all aware of what they do in the woods.
Kled: You, sir, will be lunch for my iguana, Ignacio!
Kog'maw: How about a suicide pact?
LeBlanc: How do we know this isn't some sort of holographic motion-picture-capture, Hollywood wizardry?
Lee Sin: I guess I'll see you around. Or not.
Leona: There's the sun. Maybe that's a way out.
Lissandra: 30 degrees, roger.
Lucian: Is this what nature intended for us? Living out our lives as honey slaves to the white man?
Lulu: I'm just saying all life has value.
Lux: Get some lights on that!
Malphite: Oh, this is so hard!
Malzahar: No wonder we shouldn't talk to them. They're out of their mind.
Maokai: I'm not scared of him. It's an allergic thing.
Master Yi: stress-testing a new helmet technology.
Miss Fortune: Those crazy legs kept me up all night.
Mordekeiser: I've ruined the planet.
Morgana: She was hot.
Nami: I predicted global warming.
Nasus: Poodle.
Nautilus: Surf's up, dude!
Nidalee: Aim for the center!
Nocturne: When will this nightmare end?!
Nunu: You don't have enough food of your own?
Olaf: With a churning inner turmoil that's ready to blow.
Orianna: Robotics! Ventriloquism!
Pantheon: I know how hard it is to find the right job.
Poppy: Order in this court!
Quinn: Yeah, I remember you.
Rammus: OK.
Rek'sai: Yowser! Gross.
Renekton: got a brain the size of a pinhead.
Rengar: it was man's divine right to benefit from the bounty of nature God put before us.
Riven: It's a horrible, horrible disease.
Rumble: I want to do my part for the hive, but I can't do it the way they want.
Ryze: Mamma mia, that's a lot of pages.
Sejuani: My nerves are fried from riding on this emotional roller coaster!
Shaco: Cloning!
Shen: You're a lifesaver!
Shyvana: Its wings are too small to get its fat little body off the ground.
Singed: Is this what nature intended for us? To be forcibly addicted to smoke machines?
Sion: I'd be better off dead. Look at me.
Sivir: I feel so fast and free!
Skarner: It's a bug.
Sona: How should I start it? "You like jazz?" No, that's no good.
Soraka: I don't know if you know anything about fashion.
Swain: A perfect report card, all B's.
Syndra: So I hear you're quite a tennis player. I'm not much for the game myself.
Tahm Kench: My whole face could puff up.
Taliyah: This couldn't hurt a fly, let alone a bee!
Talon: Looking sharp.
Taric: Sometimes I just feel like a piece of meat!
Teemo: This is an unholy perversion of the balance of nature.
Thresh: Another dead one.
Tristana: Stand to the side, kid. It's got a bit of a kick.
Trundle: a filthy, smelly, bad-breath stink machine.
Tryndamere: write an angry letter and throw it out. Work through it like any emotion.
Twisted Fate: Feeling lucky, are you?
Twitch: Get your nose in there. Don't be afraid. Smell it.
Udyr: I think it was awfully nice of that bear to pitch in like that.
Urgot: What in the name of Mighty Hercules is this?
Varus: My sweater is Ralph Lauren, and I have no pants.
Vayne: If we didn't laugh, we'd cry with what we have to deal with.
Veigar: every small job, if it's done well, means a lot.
Vel'koz: Nah, I don't go for that… kind of stuff.
Vi: These faces, they never knew what hit them. Knocking someone out is also a special skill.
Viktor: They could be using laser beams!
Vladimir: I was already a blood-sucking parasite.
Volibear: Bear Week next week! They're scary, hairy and here live.
Warwick: Poodle.
Wukong: How much longer will we allow these absurd shenanigans to go on?
Xin Zhao: You grab that stick, and you just move it around, and you stir it around. You get yourself into a rhythm. It's a beautiful thing.
Xerath: So blue.
Yasuo: What life? You have no life!
Yorick: Deady. Deadified.
Zac: We're not made of Jell-O.
Zed: You know, I've just about had it with your little mind games.
Ziggs: crazy stuff. Blows your head off!
Zilean: We demand an end to the glorification of the bear
Zyra: My parents wanted me to be a lawyer or a doctor, but I wanted to be a florist.
Not a SINGLE bee-related champion or skin.
EDIT: Fizz, Kassadin, Jarvan IV, and Nidalee didn't make it in the first batch. lmk if others are missing. Fixed spelling.
submitted by Singdancetypethings to copypasta [link] [comments]

Insight on Cloud 9 - A rookies analysis of C9's dilemma.

First off let me say that I'm not a qualified annalist by any means but I've been looking more and more at teams as much as I can in a professional way and would like to give my thoughts on the Cloud 9 Dilemma and I'm trying to make it as serious as possible and I apologise if my thoughts seem to jump around a lot. Also if you find evidence to support/counter my arguments I would love to see it. It's a discussion.
Cloud 9's Dilemma before the Hai retirement
Cloud 9's problem stems back into the summer split 2014 and there slow decline from the incredible dominant team that was the original Cloud 9 which was dominated by incredible individual performances from the members, at the time they had star players in carry roles. Not only that but until the end of summer and Worlds 2014 the meta complimented them.
But in the summer 2014 split we saw to a higher degree that Cloud 9 was falling into. They would start the first of the split incredibly poorly and fall behind sometimes massively, which then lead to losses but also it would to a moment in the game where Hai would remind us why he is on the team. There would be one call in the game that would somehow just throw the game straight into Cloud 9's favour and this is what Cloud 9 was "insane shotcalling and team synergy" this was their identity. But that identity was starting to become just not enough for them TSM finally took a split title off them in summer 2014, this split was the split were the cracks started to show to fans and to the public in general. They were still an amazing team at the time don't get me wrong still top 2 in terms of stand and in the top 3 in terms of NA power rankings. But they were having a big problem which Montecristo says very brilliantly in 'summoning insight' episode 50 where he says that Cloud 9 somehow were a team that would start a split terribly and still f*****g end up in the finals. This is a strength and a weakness of the old C9 squad it was always strange to see them just fall apart in the early split and then just go on a hot streak and win/almost win the NA splits.
The Hai change
In comes the debate about replacing Hai which has been around in small quantities for a while but during 2015 spring it started to gain some more momentum when his weaknesses were becoming more exposed like his small champ pool where he would sometimes be forced onto picks that he could play that didnt fit the meta at the time or the team comp that C9 had built. And yes sometimes he would play some off-meta picks (the Jarvan IV mid in spring, springs to mind...pun unintended but staying) but it was starting to be not enough as all teams were starting to upgrade team infrastructure and in general become more skilled in terms of western teams.
Now the debate with C9 keeping Hai (at least the only one that mattered to me) was: Do we keep Hai and keep trying to win NA split titles and be a top 3 team but have no international threat. Or, do we replace Hai with a more mechanically skilled midlaner, essentially an upgrade, take a dive for a split or two in terms of power ranking, shotcalling and team synergy but in the long run try and have an international threat?
In my opinion replacing Hai was a good option. But what people didn't realise or just didn't want to accept was that replacing him would tank the team. Even the team hasn't seem to realise this, I always thought that this change is good in the long run but the team isn't used to losing like this and losing the team identity I mentioned earlier. Replacing a player and person like Hai would remove what your team is because of the team synergy that this team inexplicably had. This teams synergy was something that possibly we have never seen before just how much this teams personalities and how every person fit their roles perfectly.
The Decline of the Individual Players
Balls as a player I feel has been declining quite a lot since summer of 2014, there were moments in spring split games where C9 would shove resources down the throat of Balls leading to at some points 40-60 CS leads in the top lane, but they were still losing these games. Obviously it cant all be down to Balls' individual play but If you are losing games where you invest this much time into your top laner and you are still losing games or he's having not that much impact in games. I think it's time to invest time somewhere else... like the almost universally accepted best North American ADC Sneaky.
Obviously lately Meteos has stepped down from C9 and been emergency replaced by Hai in the jungle. I want to talk about why I think this has happened. I don't feel that firstly the Meta has fit Meteos for a while now where he power farms through the jungle and tries to carry games which is what he is a power farmecarry jungler and yeah at one point he was at a point the best NA jungler and he deserved it. but unfortunately.. just not anymore. I feel that Meteos just couldn't deal with the stress of full time shotcalling and his jungle playstyle which is being overshadowed by the more gank heavy/vision priority junglers and champions, people like Move/Santorin/Helios and Rush who... well I'd say his style is "I WILL fight you". It seems that from all accounts that meteos' personality just couldnt mesh with being doubted as a shotcaller or being able to make those decisive much needed calls. Do I think that he could have done well with shotcalling to make C9 better eventually? Yes. Will he have been a Hai level shotcaller? Definitely not. Does C9 need that again to succeed? No.
 **Sneaky and Lemon** 
I'm lumping these two together mostly because I don't have to much to say about Lemon I just have my opinion on what he should do.
Sneaky on the other hand; well as I mentioned before as what was once considered (perhaps still is considered it but not showing it) the best North American ADC and even in the spring split I was a fan of his play and was looking pretty good even when the team was losing. But now I'm watching C9 games and it's like Sneaky has no impact in losses or the wins really I feel like he is just occasionally showing up to teamfights. Laning phase was never really a strong point for him cause hes not an aggressive laner and he has lemon as his support which will never be a kill lane. Sneaky can still step up and return to form I believe he just needs to regain some confidence and trust.
Lemon on the other hand is still a middle of the pick/low tier lcs support but honestly in my opinion he would be better suited to the coaching role especially for pick and ban phase which is what he used to handle before the official introduction of coaches in the lcs which was taken by charlie.
C9 Infrastructure
One of the reasons for C9's initial dominance was the coaching/pick ban/analyst input of Charlie and Lemon. Cloud 9 had a coach when every other team was struggling to add infrastructure, CLG was struggling to work with Monte, TSM was looking to pick up Locodoco etc etc. This was an NA team that had the beginning of the infrastructure we see in teams today. The problem it seems and looking at interviews/information available it feels like the haven't added much more on. As in, every other team seems to have multiple analysts, coaches, support staff and in some cases some have picked up a Sports Psychologist etc. I just can't find any references too C9 having much of this. And in my opinion it seems to be showing in their pick and ban phase a lot.
The Incarnati0n Problem and maybe solution
To replace Hai the Cloud 9 organisation picked up top SoloQ player on May 8th and a player many considered to be a mechanical talent and rising star. The problem a lot of problem were seeing with him (apart from him replacing Hai, as die-hard fans would say) is that in a competitive stage sense he is a big question mark. Incarnati0n is an unknown entity and a scary one for Cloud 9 fans because of that. And at the moment he isn't putting up great numbers on champions:
Azir - 4 plays 0 wins 4 losses KDA 2.09
Kog'Maw - 2 plays 1 win 1 loss KDA 3.40
Zed - 1 play 0 wins 1 loss KDA 1.00
Twisted Fate - 1 play 0 wins 1 loss KDA 1.57
Varus - 1 play 1 win 0 losses KDA 4.00
Viktor - 1 play 0 wins 1 loss KDA 1.33
His numbers just aren't that great. Understandably teams have been doing a lot to gank him and shut him down. And he hasn't received much either in my opinion.
What Incarnati0n needs for a test is a week or two where the C9 jungler (whoever that will be) needs to Bengi style Ward bot mid lane and to maybe even just focus a large amount of ganks to it too. But whats more important is if we give Incarnati0n a full and free 1v1 lane we will be able to see what this 'solo Q star' will actually be able to do. If he is a dominant laner and a great 1v1 player then maybe thats an identity that C9 can have.
The Future
I hope C9 can regain some form. They will never be that dominant ever again I think the game and the format has evolved since the incredible C9 days. And what the Hai mid lane replacement and the stepping down in meteos has done one good thing for the future of the team. It has opened the gates to future player pick ups and roster changes, in my opinion that's a good thing for these teams that have had such a big well know roster for as long as C9 has.
Be nice please.
submitted by Jake-Robinson to leagueoflegends [link] [comments]

how to do varus stress test video

Wrist Varus Stress Test - YouTube How to do the LCL Varus Stress Test to test the lateral ... Knee Exam: Varus Stress Test - YouTube Elbow Varus Instability Stress Test⎟Lateral Collateral ... Special Tests for the Knee: Valgus and Varus Stress Test ... Varus Stress Test of the Knee⎟Lateral Collateral Ligament ... Hughston's Varus Stress test & Adduction (Varus Stress) Test Varus and Valgus Stress test - YouTube Knee Varus Stress Test - Clinical Examination Special Test ... Varus Stress Test for the IP joints of the fingers - YouTube

Varus Stress Test. Purpose: To assess the integrity of the LCL. Test Position: Supine. Performing the Test: The patient's leg should be relaxed for this test. The examiner should passively bend the affected leg to about 30 degrees of flexion. The varus test involves applying forces to the knee in the opposite direction. Widening of the joint on the lateral side is indicative of lateral ligament and / or posterior cruciate ligament deficiencies. Variations of these tests involve placing the knee in varying amounts of flexion and rotation. Last reviewed 01/2018 The test should also be performed with the knee positioned into 20 to 30 degrees of flexion, applying the same varus force to the knee. How to Interpret Varus Stress Test Positive Finding: A positive test occurs when gapping or pain is noted with this test in full knee extension; this may suggest both an LCL and cruciate injury. The varus stress test at 20-30° of knee flexion is the actual workhorse test to perform when one is assessing for posterolateral instability of the knee. This test isolates out the function of the fibular collateral ligament. In effect, Overview. Test For; Lateral collateral ligament tears. How to Perform ; Flex the knee to 30 degrees. Grasping the medial aspect of the knee with one hand and the ankle with the other, apply a varus (laterally directed) force to the medial aspect of the knee. varus stress test: A test of ligament laxity, where a passive force is exerted on a joint that, in the presence of ligamentous insufficiency, would cause the lateral joint space to open, e.g., lateral collateral ligament of the knee and radial collateral ligament of the elbow. See also: stress test A valgus stress test may be done to test the health of ligaments in the elbow. A doctor may use a valgus stress test to assess ligament damage in the knee. Partial tear of the ulnar collateral ligament reproduction of pain btwn 120 and 70 degrees flexion pt supine or standing with arm abducted and elbow fully flexed. Varus and valgus stress tests of the knee are used to determine the presence of MCL or LCL pathology. To perform this test, have the patient lying supine with the hip flexed to 45 degrees, then take the patient’s leg and secure it between your body and elbow. Apply varus and valgus stress at the joint and assess for the degree of laxity at the knee The therapist applies a varus stress at the knee while the ankle is stabilized. The test is first done with the knee in full extension and then with the knee in 20-30 degrees of flexion. 1 Sensitivity Varus Stress Test of the Knee: Genu Varum (aka bow-leggedness, bandiness, bandy-leg, and tibia vara), is a physical deformity marked by (outward) bowing of the lower leg in relation to the thigh, giving the appearance of an archer’s bow. Usually medial angulation of both femur and tibia is involved.

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Wrist Varus Stress Test - YouTube

Enroll in our online course: DOWNLOAD OUR APP:📱 iPhone/iPad:🤖 Android: GET OUR ASSESSMENT B... Varus Stress Test for the IP joints of the fingers is an orthopedic test used to help diagnose lateral collateral ligament injury of the phlanges. This test... Join to get instant access to 400+ videos, 600+ Articles, 70+ of online CEC's, and the Human Movement Specialist Certification - h... Varus Stress Test for the wrist is an orthopedic test to help diagnose injury to the radial collateral ligament/lateral collateral ligament of the wrist (han... Varus Stress Test of the Knee⎟Lateral Collateral Ligament - Duration: 2:07. Physiotutors 245,191 views. 2:07. How To Fix Forward Head Posture - 3 Easy Exercises (From a Chiropractor) ... Here's a video showing how I perform a varus stress test as a special test for the LCL, or lateral collateral ligament of the knee. This subtle variation ma... Enroll in our online course: DOWNLOAD OUR APP:📱 iPhone/iPad:🤖 Android: GET OUR ASSESSMENT B... MCL and LCL integrity NEW - Manual Therapy Vs Sciatica Course - Released 16th November. ***Part of the Movement 7 Summit*** Details: Dan Smith, DO performs the varus stress test on a patient as part of a full knee examination.

how to do varus stress test

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